Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Snippet Time! A Little Something to Tempt Your Reading Buds!

Time for a tempting snippet - a little something to get the old reading buds going.

Abbaddon Rising. 

Summary:  Joss is one of a thousand women abducted by the Chiagan-Se as brides for a dying race. The males thought they'd come willingly, the women believed they'd been kidnapped and when the two sides meet, sparks fly.

Abaddon Rising is Book 3 in the Star Brides (Deg'Nara) Series. Joss is captured, enslaved and forced to fight in the alien gladiator ring...and then came Kanaan!


Yells and curses rent the air! Whips cracked overhead as the slave handlers rounded up their charges and herded them towards the conscripts’ quarters.
            Joss ducked in time to avoid a direct hit from a serpentine strap before standing up. One of these days she silently vowed. I really hate those frickin’ whips! Physically drained and mentally brain-dead, she found a place in the straggling line and followed the exhausted slaves towards the dormitory. This rotation had been a singularly grueling one and she ached in every bone and muscle. Two more rotations and we’ll leave this shithole! And then what? If I win, I’m back here and if I lose…
            The whole depressing scenario left her downhearted and hopeless. Only thing I can hope for is that Master Luidoc loses and I’m bought by a Master who’ll set me free! Fat chance that! The Destroyer will never be defeated in the ring and if I survive, I’m right back here! Big f’ing deal!
            Without conscious thought, she kicked out, landing a solid blow on the lower leg of the slave ahead. The shaggy red head whipped around.
            Watch ass, female,” the creature snarled from thin blue lips.
She stepped back, startled. The left portion of his face was a mass of burn scars, twisting the blue lips into a perpetual one-sided smile.
The yellow-green eyes snapped with anger. “Or I kills you next time!”
            “Oh yeah,” she snapped back. “You and who else?”
            Euo, she recalled. One of those conscripts slated for the mass battle. From her experience in the sparring bouts, his skills were modest at best and he’d be one of the first to fall. A brief surge of sympathy gave her a moment’s pause. Have I become so callous to the suffering of others? Edie would be so ashamed of me!
            “I’m…I’m sorry,” she apologized. “Just tired!”
            The shaggy red head dipped in an acknowledging nod. “Bad place here.” He spit into the dust. “Deg’Nara bad. All bad,” he hissed under his breath.

P.L. Parker

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