Saturday, December 29, 2018

Forge Ahead With Hope to 2019

I'd have to say 2018 wasn't one of my favorite years. The past five years haven't been so great either. Lost both my parents and my mother-in-law, brother-in-law had a stroke, hubby was dealing with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, subsequent AFIBS and then, this year in February, he had a stroke. Ultimately, he had to have a very rare form of brain surgery and then spent quite some time in a nursing home and then finally in late spring, he got to come home.  Added to all that, youngest son decided to join the Marines! Mommy is still wondering why. Been tough but my hope is that 2019 will bring some really positive changes to this downward slide I've been on.  Not complaining, as we all know, it can always get worse.

No New Years Resolutions other than to try to make 2019 a better year.   

Here's hoping that each of you have a wonderful 2019 and every year thereafter.  

Sending hugs.



Cara Bristol said...

Oh my gosh, Patsy, you've had a rough year. I certainly hope 2019 is better for you. You've earned (and need) a break. Wishing you a Happy, Uneventful New Year.

P.L. Parker said...

Thank you Cara. Yes, been a tough year but looking forward to a better 2019.
