Tuesday, February 7, 2023

SAFFRON Featured at N.N. Light's Toasty Reads Bookish Event - Feb. 8 #wintertime #reading #giveaway #mustreads #nnlight


 I’m so excited to be a part of @NNP_W_Light’s Toasty Reads Bookish Event.  My novel, SAFFRON, will be featured on Wednesday, February 8.

As an added bonus, SAFFRON will be free on Amazon February 8 and 9 so stop by and grab your copy.

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Saffron-P-L-Parker-ebook/dp/B0BM6PG543/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2TMXW79TLM9G4&keywords=saffron+by+p.l.+parker&qid=1675797813&sprefix=saffron+by+p.l.+%2Caps%2C788&sr=8-1

While you are at N.N. Lights, check out all the featured books and enter the giveaway to win a $20 Amazon  gift card:  https://www.nnlightsbookheaven.com/toasty-reads-bookish-event 


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