My mother's favorite color was pink. When I was little, every new dress I got was pink! As I got older, I finally broke it to her that pink wasn't my favorite color. (My favorite color is cherry red.)
My mother was a stay-at-home housewife, which back then was pretty much the norm. She was a pretty woman. Beautiful smile and large, hazel eyes. She was an amazing cook, and growing up, she was my best friend. She could be tough, don't get me wrong, and she had her little eccentricities, but she was a good mom. Our house was always clean and well-ordered. She loved her family above all else and her family is what she was proud of. I know that if push came to shove, my other would be in there shoving for me, no matter what the cost.
So many memories. She had a good sense of humor, maybe not the impish, scamp humor of my father, but a good one all the same. She could do her own practical jokes - her favorite was catching a spider (which she was not scared of) and chasing Dad around the house. He hated that game!
I and my three siblings were blessed to be a part of her family. We learned so many things from her. I remember evenings when we were cleaning up dinner, washing dishes, drying them, etc., and my sisters, my mother, and I would sing. She had a lovely voice and we made quite a good singing group. She was a great dancer and Dad and she cut quite a rug when they were out.
Momma wasn't perfect, but she was a great mother. I miss her every day and often times, I pull out a momento just to feel close to her.
I hope you grew up with a special mom, and if not, make those memories with your children. I was blessed with three wonderful sons and there is not a day that I don't feel overwhelming love for each one. They are my true blessings.
Love to you all, and for all you Mothers, soon to be Mothers, Mothers-in-Law, Happy Mother's Day!
Your mom sounded like a wonderful mother!
Loved your story about your mom! Sharlett
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