Monday, January 2, 2012

Stepping into 2012

I start 2012 in my 60th year!  Pretty much a milestone in anyone’s life.  I used to think 60 was old, but I don’t feel old!  I still enjoy life and look forward to life’s events.  I admit I don’t bend as easily as I used to and certain parts of my body tend to ache at times, but in general, I’m in here kicking.  I am thankful that my family is still here, my parents, my siblings, my children and grandchild and that we enjoy not a wealthy life, but we have what we need. 

Part of me fears the future.  What will happen this year? Hopefully, good things.  I try to keep in mind that no matter what, today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I have the opportunity to make changes for the good. 



Beth Trissel said...

I hope 60's not old because I'm halfway between it and the big 50. I enjoyed your youthful post.

P.L. Parker said...

Thanks Beth! Like I said, I don't feel old. When I was young, 60 was old, but I prefer to think of it as middle age now :)

sulekkha said...

Patsy,Age is just a state of mind and if you have your loved ones with you, you are rocking. I lost my father when I was 45 years old and I feel a 100 now :( He left me on my birthday, on January 8th. His second death anniversary is approaching, life is not fair.
enjoyed reading your post, happy new year to you.

P.L. Parker said...

Thanks Sulekkha! I do feel blessed that I have my family. My heart goes out to you. Happy New Year to you as well.