Saturday, May 12, 2018

In Honor of My Mother

We lost my mother 2 years ago and there isn't a day that I don't think of and miss her so much! She wasn't a perfect person, but as a mom, I don't think any person could surpass her! If you needed a shoulder, it was there. If you needed words of wisdom, she had a good share. And if you came seeking love, it was handed out endlessly.  

This picture was taken 65 years ago, at the either the Blackfoot cemetery or the cemetery in Firth, Idaho, on Memorial Day. My sister, Elena, is the little blond next to Mom, the little girl with the chubby stomach is my sister, Karlyn, and I am the baby in Mom's arms.  Mom's family would all get together to decorate family graves and then we'd go to some nearby park and have a big picnic. My oldest sister, Kayleen's grave was Mom's first visit and she always cried when we were there. (Kayleen died as a result of whooping cough when she was 6 months old).

So many wonderful memories of my life growing up and my mother. Mom was a homemaker and I was so proud of how pretty she was, how she kept herself nice and our house was always clean and inviting. She was a great cook and I learned most of my cooking skills from her.  I loved to help her, especially canning and baking.  Mom made the best bread and scones.

Her favorite spot in the whole world was Stanley, Idaho, at the Little Casino campground. Mom and Dad went there every year for 40 years and someday her ashes will rest there as well.  

I could go on and on about my Mom, but mostly just want to honor her on Mother's Day and say "Miss and love you so much, Mama."

P.L. Parker

1 comment:

Cara Bristol said...

What lovely memories you have, and what a nice tribute to your mom.