Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Believe!

My faith in the goodness of people was reaffirmed. Hubby and I were out raking a massive and hideous pile of leaves in our front yard perpetrated by the tree across the street which I call the evildoer. We had just finished one side and hubby was resting. He said "What we need is some nice strong young men to help out with this." Not ten minutes later, four long distance runners from Borah High School, led by a young man named Zach, stopped their run, started raking and
bagging leaves and got it all done in no time. They wouldn't take any money, just said we're neighbors and we help neighbors and it's Halloween. I couldn't believe it! But they worked hard and had smiles on their faces the whole time. Hugged me before they left. I am awed and so appreciative. 

My belief in the goodness of people was reaffirmed and I am so thankful.  For those of you who believe only in the bad people do, I'm sorry for you.  There are good people out there, lots of good people and meeting these young men really brought it home to me.  I believe in the good.

November is a time to be thankful!  Let's all give it a try.



1 comment:

CRICT said...

Great rreading this