With Easter just around the corner, I'm taken back to my childhood and all the good memories surrounding Easter. Easter was an event at our house. The day before, we colored eggs and generally made a huge mess. On Easter morning, we had the requisite Easter egg hunt for the eggs we colored and candy hidden by Dad. We dressed in our new Easter clothes which included gloves and a stupid hat, attended church, had a big Easter dinner (usually ham and potato salad which was made from the colored eggs) and enjoyed a day of special family closeness. The picture below is one such day. (For some reason my father always had us facing the sun when he took pictures. Ergo, the squinty eyes and pained smiles. FYI - I'm the littlest of the girls.)
Back in those days, we were allowed to celebrate Easter at school. No restrictions on a religious holiday. I remember in school every child worked hard to make a ridiculous Easter hat (though there were those fancy hats we knew were created by the child's parent). Mine were always self-made and less than creative but I was proud of them. The Friday before Easter, we'd have a big Easter parade circling the gymnasium with everyone singing "Easter Parade". It was fun and entertaining. Good times!
Without little ones running around the house, Easter is not the event it was when I was young but I still enjoy the day. My wish for you is a Happy Easter and a bit of joy in your life. And if you don't celebrate Easter, I wish you a great day of love and laughter! Hugs.
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