Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Time Travel and Writing the Novel

Of course most of you who know me know that I started out as a time travel novelist and then added in some paranormal and then science fiction romances.  

I've always been an avid reader of time travel and watch every movie I can about the same.  An old favorite was the first Time Machine when I was young, although the later version certainly had its interesting points.  

Time travel is so compelling! Who wouldn't want to step back in time if nothing more than to just confirm what our history lessons have told us.  I don't consider myself religious though I believe, but if I had the chance, I would travel back to meet Jesus.  Just a personal "would do."  Even traveling into the future has its interest. View what man has done or not done!  My favorite haunt for finding time travel ideas is the History Channel which is where I found my ideas for Fiona and Riley's Journey.

My very first book, Fiona, is a time travel story and based on the discovery of the Urumchi Mummies in the Taklamakan Desert in Northern China, to be precise, the mummy of a young woman thought to be a sacrificial victim.  I always felt she should have had a better ending that what was given her, so Fiona came into being.

My second novel, also time travel, was based on
the discovery of the frozen mummy Otzi in the Alps.  Why was he there? What happened to him. Riley's Journey was conceived, although in the writing, I sent her back a lot farther in time than poor Otzi. Because of the continued interest in my subject matter, I want on to write two sequels to Riley's Journey - Into the Savage Dawn  and Beyond Tomorrow.

My third time travel novel, Aimee's Locket, came
about because my husband thought I should write a western, so Aimee's Locket was written for him.  I've always been interested in the Oregon Trail so wasn't hard to decide to put Aimee on the long journey.

I'm off to find my next time travel book/movie and disappear into the past - or the future as the case may be. 


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