Sunday, September 23, 2018

She was the last of her kind - and the most feared assassin was on her trail! Will o' the Wisp - Scifi Romance #scifi #scifiromance #mustread

Night surrounded her. She drifted, a mere wisp on the wind, tumultuous thoughts causing the mist to darken to a cloudy grey. He was after her and if she didn’t find a host body soon, her destruction was imminent. Only in corporeal form would she have the ability to elude him, to mask her presence. Weakened as she was, she was vulnerable, easily overcome. She stifled a sob, struggling to maintain her veil of silence.
What did she know of him? Rumors abounded with his legendary skills and determination.  He was relentless, too experienced. Too determined to end my existence! Weary and distraught, she settled to the ground seeking a place to hide—to build up her flagging energy reserves for the next leg of flight. It would’ve been better to find an energy source but if he was as gifted as she’d been led to believe, he’d detect the transference and strike.
            Why is he after me? I’m not a destroyer. I don’t harm anyone? Why me? No rational explanations existed for the unanswered questions.
            Leaves rustled overhead causing her to cringe in fear, the tendrils of mist darkening to black. Mentally damning his formidable strength, she sent out miniscule feelers seeking his aura, careful not to delve too deeply lest he perceive her intrusion. What was he after?
I’m so afraid! There were so few of her kind left, so few to carry on. Devastated by failing energy resources and the lack of healthy breeders, the clan was on the verge of extinction. But I don’t deserve to die! I’m nothing, too insignificant to warrant the attention of such a fearsome and ancient being.
Kadin was far too powerful to covet her meager essence, but if legend could be believed, he was one who slaughtered his own.

Available on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited, or $.99. Buy Link: 

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