Monday, April 4, 2022

Foibles and Then Some #plparker #scifi #scifiromance #adventure

Foible:  a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character. "they have to tolerate each other's little foibles"

I've noticed as I get older I'm developing some foibles that I never had when I was younger - at least I don't think I had! 

Maybe it's the way life is these days but one of my biggest foibles is when my freestanding toilet paper holders are not completely stocked! It drives me so crazy, I have to immediately fill these babies up! I've decided it's because we had the great coronavirus toilet paper shortage and I developed a fear of having no toilet paper! Silly, I know, but a foible of mine own.

I have found that I do tend to add foibles to my characters in my stories.  Perfection is boring and real people have foibles.

In my novel, REQUIEM, my heroine, Cam has several, the most noticeable one is her tenacity when faced with overwhelming odds.  She just can't let whatever it is go.



Nadic and Seisyll darted from the darkness and raced across the lit area, crouching near the service door adjacent to the refuse pit. With an economy of motion, the weapons tech hacked into the security system and the door angled open.

She ambled towards their position, keeping a close watch for any unforeseen trouble. With a brief wave of his hand, Nadic followed by Seisyll slipped through the opening and disappeared.

Now we wait! Her teeth clenched. She hated this part! She wanted to be right there in the thick of things! Not out here! Adrenaline kept her on edge but her only outlet was to continue the charade of patrolling the perimeter and keeping watch. As the newest member of the team, she was still working to prove her worth but she felt she was gaining ground bit by bit. Nadic, one of Lord Tegan’s warriors, proved to be a tough team leader but a fair one. He’d given her a chance long before any of the others would even consider her and she’d done her best to show him he’d made the right choice.

Her lips curved in a slight smile. If things went right, at some obscure time in the future, she planned to investigate whether he had any personal interest in her. He hadn’t bonded with any female to her knowledge and from her perspective, he was open season. 

Time slowed to a sloth’s pace. Her skin crawled, tingling nerve endings stimulated by the stress of waiting. The faceplate clicked and a small screen opened up in the lower left corner displaying the operation from Nadic’s perspective. Surprised, her pace slowed for a fraction of a parsec. The weapon was far smaller than she’d envisioned. Hardly big enough to create the chaos surrounding its purported destructive use.

Nadic and Seisyll were engaged in scanning the unimposing mechanism, working in a concerted effort to ensure every angle was photographed and transmitted to the ops techs. The faceplate clicked and retrieve the weapon flashed across the screen. Seisyll’s slanted eyes rounded, exhibiting astonishment but with a shrug, he bent to the task.

This was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab—grab whatever data they could on the weapon and scram. Not grab the damn weapon itself!

She gritted her teeth, forcing herself to keep the strolling pace but every atom of her being demanded she race to their position and lend aid. Only the knowledge that Nadic would have her head on a platter kept her walking the perimeter.

Got it!” Seisyll hissed.

She tensed even tighter as the weapons tech hoisted the weapon and stored it in a large pack and then snapped the bag shut.

Nadic’s hand fisted. “Done! We’re leaving!”

Her relief died a quick death as her vid-com screen blinked off.

What the f…!”

The compound erupted in a blinding flash of high-powered pulse beams! Startled, she hunched down and then jumped sideways as a huge chunk of the compound wall toppled down and then rolled, almost crushing her. The screeching whine of attack vessels almost split her eardrums as a squadron of fighter aircraft rained destruction on the fortress. In swift succession, pulse blasts wiped out the guard towers and portions of the high wall. Within parsecs, against the blazing glow of the detonations, dark figures rappelled from a transport hovering over the central command turret—Nadic and Seisyll’s last known position! What the fuck!

She punched her fist against the faceplate attempting to reconnect but the apparatus appeared dead, registering nothing. She flipped up the useless apparatus. Catching movement, she watched as Drust almost fell over the rim of the high barricade, tumbled down the extraction rope and landed in a heap at the base of the wall. She raced over, caught a fistful of his vest and dragged him from beneath the torrent of debris falling from above. A quick check of his vitals confirmed he was alive but severely injured. There was no sign of Ursula!

Against mission protocol, she tapped her wrist com. At most, it was only good for close communications but right now it was all she had.

“Nadic! Seisyll! Report,” she hissed.


To her right, beyond the refuse pit, an unidentified alien vessel dropped down and settled on the ground. A portal opened up but all she could see of the interior was blackness.

She dragged Drust further into the dark, injected him with a pain inhibitor before covering him with dried brush. It was all she could do until help arrived!

The compound door slammed open and a figure raced out. In his arms, he clutched a bag!  Nadic? Seisyll?

But no! The lone figure raced towards the waiting transport!

The bastard’s stealing our weapon!

Aghast, she stood up and then charged after the figure, running full tilt across the uneven ground. The team had spent too many long rotations in planning this mission and it was far too important to give up now!  Her quarry reached the transport and clambered in as the portal door began to swing shut. Without conscious thought, she jumped, flew through the air and landed headlong in the interior. She rolled to her feet, coming face-to-face with a bug-eyed green alien, she started to raise her weapon before pain wracked her brain and the lights went out.

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Do you admit to having foibles?

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